This week’s reading discussed a variety of topics such as web based learning, identified and explored web based learning activities and how to be faithful servants of God. In chapter eight of our text book we looked at characteristics of four online module, how to select tools and strategies to build an online course, and procedures for developing an effective online course. The first article discussed web 2.0 technology specifically Wikki’s and how they are being used in the classroom. The second article looked at the difference in information-searching environments and how it affects the learning the environment. All the resources for this week are crucial ways to improve learning and retention especially for the slower learners.
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The second article was published in the British Journal of Educational Technology and discussed the effects of using selected network resources in web based problem solving. This research targeted a senior high school computer class and attempted to compare the effects of using selected and open network resources on students’ intentions about their information system usage by means of technology acceptance model (TAM) questionnaires and learning effectiveness by analysis of covariance of tests in web-based problem-solving activities (Hsu, 2013). The activities used in this research project allowed students to learn from the total process of problem solving. All of these activities were student centered and not teacher centered. The subjects of this research project were measured on the basis of pre and post- test design in which each test was composed of fifteen multiple choice question(Hsu, 2012)s . The control group was the open source group and the experimental group was the selected resource group. At the end of the research project each student completed a questionnaire(Hsu, 2012).The results of this research project show that the lower and mid-ability students greatly benefited from this selected resource learning process and the advanced learners benefited more from the open network resources. This research also showed that digital library’s and digital learning centers that contain updated and correct data bases for learners were
new culture of learning (Boshier, 2006, p.11). This new culture of learning can involve online
Online learning is conducive to that of the traditional onsite learning facilities. There are some students who fully participate in the experience as well as those who take their learning environments for granted. A summary of the required reading “Read-only participants: a case for student communication in online classes” will support the noted claim. The study was completed to measure the various behaviors of the online learner. The research gathered the behaviors of students participating the in a Master’s degree web-based curriculum through the University of Pretoria. Beaudoin is noted as one of the greatest contributors to this case study.
The Internet provides learners and trainers with the ability to access large amounts of information quickly and easily. Turning this information into a valuable learning resource requires organisation, planning, and careful selection of material. Trainers/Tutors should select websites that are appropriate to the needs of their learners and that support the objectives of the curriculum. Learners should be encouraged to develop a variety of analytical, searching and critical thinking skills and strategies to become confident and competent users of the Internet. Selected websites will need to be revisited regularly, however, to ensure that the content and/or the URL have not changed.
Strategies for Success in the Online Learning Environment (graded)Identify barriers to success in the online learning environment and the strategies to overcome the barriers. Please cite the sources used to support your response.
The World Wide Web had revitalized education by making it easier, and more efficient to teach. Before the creation of the Internet, the most popular and widely used way of teaching was mainly with books and lectures, limiting the speed and efficiency of information to learn, while also limiting the number of units given in a school year. With the Internet, teachers were able to discover and teach topics easily, leading to quicker lessons and topics as they use the web browser and online sources to benefit the speed of the lessons as well as better the students in different ways to educate. In addition to teachers using the Internet, students also greatly used it to help with homework, to fully understand a topic, to help with projects, and to communicate with their teachers. In a study from Pew Internet & American Life Project over students and their interaction with the
This article focuses on how students understand online learning. According to Kumar, Yufeng, and Chun Yen “ 69% of the population access their smartphone daily” (1). Approximately 59.1% of participants use the internet more than five hours daily” (4). This source talks about how the authors of this article will clarify how online students evaluate their learning experience.
Through this course I expect to become familiar with the online learning format. I have never taken online courses previously so I plan to learn the skills necessary for me to become a successful online scholar.
This section of the encyclopedia talks about what students and teachers can contribute to online learning environment. It talks about who the average online learner is and the online relationship between the student and the teacher, and the student and their peers. Above all the author stresses that thinking differently is important to make online education work.
* ProverCharacteristics of a Successful Online Learnerbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
To summarize, the topic presented in this article is about online courses which are widely used in colleges providing easy access to course materials, classroom discussions, and feedback to instructors. The course materials and activities may be accessed from any computer, whether it is from the University or from the comfort of your own home.
E-Learning is trying to provide a more individualized, self-paced, self-directed learning experience (Clark). A survey by a Sociology Professor at CSU-Northridge showed that students in his virtual class performed 20% better than students in his traditional class (Clark). On the other hand, issues concerned with E-Learning includes the fact that students may not be as motivated since, another survey found out that only 66% of the students involved with E-Learning earned credit with a passing grade for their classes (Washington
Education has undergone significant changes because of the development of information and communication technology over the 21st century (Lin & Jou, 2012:2). As a convenient and inexpensive way to gain knowledge while pursuing higher education, online learning, a form of training or teaching that takes place over the Internet, has been considered as an alternative to traditional classroom learning (Zhang et al, 2004). This essay will argue that even though online learning has benefit such as flexibility which could outweigh traditional learning, traditional classroom learning might still not be entirely replaced. This essay will discuss positive and negative aspects of online and traditional learning in terms of four criteria:
Nowadays, education is becoming one of the fundamental things in a human lifetime; most people are trying to achieve a higher education. As technology develops considerably, it has bearings on every area of our life, even in the way of education. The development of technology has a large impact on education. Before this progression of technology, the education system was only traditional. Currently, the education system has been changed. The development of technology has allowed the education system online along with traditionally. Traditional and online instructions are both great ways to learn. While both types of instructions have the same purpose of educating students having good skills about everything, but there are some significant differences between them such as flexibility, learning the course content, communication, and the cost.
Learning is more than just receiving information. Traditionally learning was to be in campus, where students would interact with one a another, there were no other ways for learners to get educated beside going to the classroom and listening to the instructor. Nowadays the Internet has brought different ways for people to receive information, such as getting education and degrees online. A few years ago online education was never thinkable, and yet it has become to reality and it is widely expanding with popularity. Online education is a type of educational instruction that delivers learning to individuals to their own homes, and it is getting very popular among nontraditional student and others. Individuals prefer online education
The online era is beginning to change the way we deliver the message to the students. As brokers of information, we have to seek new mediums to reach our students or consumers. Online learning is becoming more popular to reach students to help increase their reading and comprehension of what they read. As a history teacher, it becomes frustrating to assign homework that the students do not do, because they can’t.