
Teaching Mindfulness

Decent Essays

Mindfulness practitioners and teachers have been coming forth with the consequences of teachers with minimal training. Some National Health Service (NHS) trusts have been persuading health professionals to teach mindfulness after only going through one round, 8-weeks, of these Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy practices. Lokhadi Lloyd, for example, is an experienced psychotherapist and mindfulness meditation teacher in London and has brought up these problems. Generally, when some people practice, things can get undesirable before desired outcomes surface. With less training being required of a teacher, they are not as prone to help those practicing under them in a beneficial way. Dr. Farias also agrees …show more content…

Sona Dimidjian and Marsha M. Linehan, from the University of Washington, agree with these points as well. Dimidjian and Linehan published an article in 2003 to the American Psychological Association that dealt with “Defining an Agenda for Future Research on the Clinical Application of Mindfulness Practice.” Scientific and clinical questions that they want answered are along the lines of truly defining mindfulness, what the consequences are with practices and therapies like MBSR and MBCT, what truly makes mindfulness work (or not), how should therapists and teachers be trained, and if mindfulness practices can be spread to all people. An important fact to note is that no study thus far has isolated the effects of the pure mindfulness component in either MBSR and MBCT. Studies that have been done thus far have primarily done pre-post measurements of the results people reported after their practices; however, only a handful have done controlled trials with clinical populations (Baer, 2003). This poses a true threat to the true accuracy and applicability of the results of these studies. Dimidjian and Linehan propose that the isolation of mindfulness and other aspects of these treatments must be done in order to see what is truly making people improve, remain the same, or get worse. Once these dependent and independent variables of these practices and therapies are determined, then those variables can be further tested into their applicability to certain disorders, mental health issues, and much

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