
Teaching Philosophy: My Statement Of Teaching And Teaching

Decent Essays

Statement of Teaching Philosophy A Reflection on Teaching and Learning Kipkoech Gilbert My role as a teacher is to open the door to knowledge and critical thinking as wide as needed for all to enter. While I recognize that self-direction is an important tool for learning that works well for some students, I also recognize that other students may need help and support in obtaining their educational objectives. I believe that I have a fundamental obligation to assist students who need assistance in crossing the threshold, as well as to encourage the self-directed to stay focused. To accomplish this vision and welcome all students through the doorway, I see teaching and learning as having three interwoven stages: exposing students to new concepts, facilitating understanding of the material, and developing well-supported and reasoned arguments that challenge existing thinking. …show more content…

Similarly, ongoing assessment and feedback is critical to knowing how well the students are actually learning. To assess student knowledge, I can utilize a variety of tools, recognizing that students may succeed in demonstrating knowledge differently. Multiple choice and short answer tests, as well as oral presentations, have their place in assessing a baseline of concrete information. Written papers and essay questions allow students to demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and think critically. For example, the discussion above about analyzing a magazine ad can be seen as aligning a learning objective (to analyze contemporary advertising) with two teaching activities (small group work and larger group discussion) with an assessment (the individual paper). The actual choice and combination of assessment tools in my view must align with the learning objectives for the course and the teaching

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