
Teaching Young Minds : Learning, Motivation, Behavior, And Development Theories

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Even though Eloise has a disability, she can learn and progress academically, socially and psychologically when instruction is designed specifically for her. Making sure the subject matter is taught in a manner that she can understand and reproduce. Instruction must be tailored to Eloise’s learning style. Teaching young minds is a task that cannot be taken lightly. It is full of challenges, frustrations, and responsibilities. However, it is a task that is also full of excitement, wonder, and joy. I strongly believe that Eloise is capable of learning, with the proper motivation and direction. As a teacher I need to apply methods of learning, motivation, behavior, and development theories in order for Eloise to reach her full potential.

Description of the Student

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Eloise is a sixth grade student attending Strawberry Mansion Junior High School.She is identified as a student with Other Health Impairment (OHI). Destiny scored the following scores on the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening. Comprehension was 5/6 and fluency was 193.On the Spring of 2015 Virginia Standards of Learning Assessment Eloise 's Science score is 362,reading score is 341 and her math score is 340.She resides with her parents in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Even though Eloise did not pass the SOL 's she is in position to pass them in the 2017-2018 school year. With the proper tools utilized she can excel in her core subjects. Her parents are very supportive of her academic and

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