
Team 2470 Research Papers

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Team 2470 may not be the most organized team: the robot’s main components may go on in the last hours, tape drawers hold everything from pliers to saws, and metric-sized bolts may cause everlasting annoyance in their perennial placement on the robot. Still, this team has the right combination of quirks and science to ignite the fire of inspiration in its students and mentors. Team 2470’s fight to create and keep robotics as a sport for everyone has lasted through the years. They have not weathered the years completely alone, as they have grown a large community of support. Traversing outside of their cozy robotics room, this team has gone out to the community to shine. While this team cannot boast an assembly-line process, they can boast their inspiring influence. When not defending their own team, Team 2470’s members are working to continue FIRST’s influence in the rest of the community as well. This team is one of the first FRC teams in Minnesota to sponsor a FTC team. The members of this team are also working on putting one FTC team in every middle school in Bloomington, Minnesota as well one in each high school. During the build season the team also helped out the local Science Olympiad students, supplying tools and advice. Science Olympiad is a …show more content…

The students often meet with the sponsors, who allow them to tour the sponsor’s facilities and teach team members about the design process. Sponsors get pulled into the activities and learn about how the team turns their resources into a working robot. During the summer and fall the team also takes on other projects like building a practice robot and hosting lessons to teach new members. The lessons that are held help students understand the design process and electrical, programming, and mechanical skills. Once the build season begins, the students have the foundation for the skills that they will put to

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