
Team Blaze : Addressing Childhood Obesity

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Team BLAZE: Addressing Childhood Obesity in the Mississippi Delta
Kathy Atkins, Jessica Barthelemy, Brittany Booker, Brooke Buchanan, Shelley Burkett, and Laurence Cicilio
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
NUR 610: Healthcare Systems for Advanced Nursing Practice
Summer 2015

Project Description
Project Purpose and Basis Team BLAZE (Beginning Life with AmaZing Examples) is a project designed to decrease childhood obesity in low income school districts. Team BLAZE is a school based program that incorporates healthy nutritional options along with daily physical activities within a safe learning environment to low income regions in America. The program initially focuses on children ages 5-17 in the rural Mississippi Delta, where obesity rates “far exceed those of the state and nation” (Gamble et al., 2012, p 478). Team BLAZE is modeled after Save the Children’s CHANGE (Creating Healthy, Active and Nurturing Growing-Up Environments) study, a 2-year (2007-2009) randomized, controlled, community and school-based intervention to prevent unhealthy weight gain among rural school aged children (Save the Children, 2008). The CHANGE study used an innovative, multicomponent community-based intervention in rural America to improve the diets of children and proved to be successful in lowering rates of obesity at the studied locations (Save the Children, 2008). Likewise, Team BLAZE uses a multidirectional approach by targeting changes in school nutrition,

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