
How Does Society Affect The Broad Measures Of Religiosity

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Rapid technological advancements and an influx of mass media in today 's society have connected us in more ways than anyone ever thought possible. Television, movies, newspapers, magazines, the internet, and other sources of information content all contribute to a degree of information saturation and extra-sensory overload among members of our society. This erosion of our personal identity in the information age is directly degrading the intricate social network of our religiosity. As information sources have grown exponentially over the last two decades, people have demonstrated less and less religiosity which is being replaced by the social hierarchy of an interconnected digital society. For Generation X religiosity as a process over a typical life course trajectory is being replaced by opinions, perceptions, and ideologies that espouse that there is no benefit found in traditional religious activity. Through television and the internet, we can access a complete digital support network that has in many cases replaced the conventions of what has drawn previous generations to traditional religions. Brink in his research accepts that religiosity is correctly defined as the comprehensive sociological term used to refer to the numerous aspects of religious activity, dedication, and belief (religious doctrine). Brink states “society effects the broad measures of religiosity.” As our society has moved away from traditional ideas of faith and into realm of digital

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