
Technologist Career Goals

Decent Essays

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.” is a quote from Steve jobs that i truly live up to. I have been very pleased with my current health care job as a Care Aide, though i am not fully satisfied in ways that i know i can do more. There has been many different faces in the past four years of this career and also there has been many things that i have learned from my prior life experiences, that will contribute to my next career choice as a Cardiology Technologist. Being twenty three years old and still trying to figure out “what i want to be when i grow up”, is challenging. The thought of going back to school is scary, but very much so doable. There has been many days of humming and hawing over “what should i go back to school for?” I always knew that there was more potential for me to stay in the health field as i already have prior work experience in and around the hospital setting. Learning many valuable people skills as; how to approach certain care patients and or …show more content…

Working with highly trained professionals and numerous different staff has given me great leadership skills that have been obtained, used and executed correctly. Example of professionalism that i have learned is how to talk to patients and or residents family. Dealing with death and or illness is very common in my current career and trying to answer some questions that family may have has been one big learning experience for me. Always being empathetic and sympathetic is an attribute that has made it easier when talking with family. Some family is more understanding than others and other not so much, that is when i know to get my manager to help with any concerns that are out of my reach. These experiences have made me very proud. Knowing that i made a great choice and now that i have many great attributes that i can carry with me further into my health care

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