
Technology Advances, Hackers Get Even Smarter

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As technology advances, hackers get even smarter. You think you’re safe? Think again .

Sgt. Joshua M. Rivera

Abstract: This paper reflects the advancements in technology beginning with the first computer leading into the innovation of computers since the early 1800’s such as the computer systems in vehicles, and explains the importance of cyber security to prevent cyber-attacks. The rapid development of wireless computer systems within a vehicle such as GPS and Bluetooth opens up a door to the realm of vulnerability to cyber-attacks. Hackers have successfully found breaches in the security of laptops and other computers it’s only a matter of time before they master the computers in automobiles. Scientists should be working with these automobile companies to fix the loop holes in their security before malicious hackers find them.

I. INTRODUCTION It’s difficult to explain when the first computer was introduced because of the many different classifications of them. Dating back to the early 1800’s, (1822) Charles Babbage created the “Difference Engine,” a device that computed sets of numbers and came to be the first mechanical calculator. However, millennials wouldn’t consider this to be a computer because it doesn’t function as a modern computer does. After Babbage’s calculator, the revolution of computers took off leading to the first programmable computer, the digital computer, the minicomputer, the desktop computer, the microprocessor, the portable

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