
Analysis Of How Digital Technology Is Changing Our Mind

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The world has basically been taken over by technology. Its everywhere and easily accessible nowadays. There is an emerged advancement of the internet with its different platforms of communication. With all the technology available to use, a question is raised of whether it improves or destroys our minds. Opposing views are demonstrated in Matthew Wisnioski’s article “How digital technology is destroying your mind” and Starre Vartan’s article “How technology is changing our minds for the better.” Wisnoski believes that digital technology is inducing narcissistic impulses with the need of constant attention. Its harder to be truly oneself without in person contact. He provides evidence with information from the film “Mind Change” produced by neuroscientist, politician, and entrepreneur Susan Greenfield. Greenfield explains the exploitation of mindlessness on the human brain. Vartan think discussions on the wrongs of technology is blown out of proportion. Social thinking and our brain capacity is improving with the large communication scale the internet has. She uses Clive Thompson’s “Smarter Than You Think: How Technology is Changing our Minds for the Better” as a source to support her view. Both writers do think that technology does have its defects like decreased focus and distractions. Vartan emphasizes on its potential for engagement, while Winloski sees it as a portal to vanity and impulsion. Those articles made me question the positive and negative effects that

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