
Technology And Transportation During The United East And Europe

Decent Essays

- World “getting smaller” due to constant development in technology and transportation.
- Other nations can be affected by other countries actions from half way across the world because of rapid speed of communication.
- Smaller world increases sameness/similarities between several countries, decreasing diversity.
-Late 1990s, conflicts between Christians and Muslims led to American troops intervention.

Ex: Japan enforcing rules for children to use chopsticks in 1984, Muslim leaders making religion priority around the 70s.

-Russia w/ democracy
-China combining politics and economics
-Women’s roles in the work force changing for the better
-US media surpasses India although lead in production of movies

-Plowing equipment from China to …show more content…

man species
30,000 B.C.E
-Movement from Siberia to South America in 16,000
-14,000: Great Ice Age ends
10,000 B.C.E
-9,000: animals get domesticated
-8,500 to 3,500: Middle East starts farming
6,000 B.C.E
-6,000: invented potter’s wheel
-5,000: Mesoamerica domesticates corn
-5,000 to 2,000: culture develops in China – Huang He
4,000 B.C.E
-4,000 to 3,000: Middle East begins innovative work
-3,5000 to 1,800: Sumerian civilization
-3,100: Rise of Egyptians
3,000 B.C.E
-2,500: Indian (Indus) Harappan civilization
-2,050 to 1,750: Babylonian Empire
2,000 B.C.E
-2,000: Kotosh culture in Peru and agriculture in northern Europe and southern Africa
-1,500: writing, Shang kingdom emerges (China), first ironwork (Middle East)
-1,200: Jews (first monotheistic) settles near Mediterranean
-1,122: China – Western Zhou kings

-Human species emergenced 2 to 2.5 million years ago
- Managed to spread and take control in short amount of time
-Longer dependence in earlier stages of life
-Health problems are more prominent and impacts for the worse
-Opposable thumb
-Knowledge of possibility of death
-Advantages in sexual reproduction
-Adaptable appetites, can eat various foods
-Capability of elaborate and better ways of communication (speech, behavior, facials)

-Humans learned to use simple tools 14,000 years ago (rocks and sticks)
-Fire tamed 750,000 years ago
-Between 50,000 and 750,000 years ago Homo erectus emerged (larger brains, erect stature) in

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