
Technology Negative Essay

Decent Essays

Have you said hello to more people than you have texted today? Technology has become more advanced rapidly over the past few decades. Since it has become so advanced, it is now easier for us to access the internet. Technology is now becoming a common factor in our daily lives. Most people feel as if we cannot go without using technology. We use our devices to call, text, listen to music, take pictures, and get on social sites. With it being such a big part in our daily life, it has a greater impact than we know. Society has become too dependent upon technology rather than using any other resources. Today people lack basic social skills from the dependency of technology. Years ago, most children wanted to go outside and hang out with their friends and now we rarely see that anymore because technology is more advanced, and we have more access to the internet. Seventy point three percent worry that as technology advances that it might impair the social skills of younger workers. Though social media was created for us to be social, it is causing us to lack basic social skills. For example, when sending messages through our phones we use autocorrect rather than trying to figure out how to spell the words. The poll showed fourty-four point eight percent respondents struggle to balance their personal lives between their professional lives. It is coming to a point where most of us would rather have a conversation through our devices, rather than a conversation in person. When I

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