
Technology On Relationships In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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The Effect of Technology on Relationships in Fahrenheit 451 Have you ever noticed that many people seem to almost always be on their phones and other technology? It seems harder to have a conversation with someone with their noses buried in their smartphones. This causes a disconnect between people in society. This is shown many times in the novel by Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451. In this text, the marriage between two of the main characters, Montag and Mildred, is being torn apart by the ever-present technology being used by Mildred. There are many examples of this effect in the book. Technology in Fahrenheit 451 will eventually destroy their marriage.
Many relationships in society, especially marriages, are ended due to technology. …show more content…

As seen on page 52, “ "Mildred! " She ran past with her body stiff, her face floured with powder, her mouth gone, without lipstick. "Mildred, you didn't put in the alarm!" She shoved the valise in the waiting beetle, climbed in, and sat mumbling, "Poor family, poor family, oh everything gone, everything, everything gone now ...." Beatty grabbed Montag's shoulder as the beetle blasted away and hit seventy” (Bradbury 52). Mildred is left to ratting out her husband because he has been keeping books. She then runs away, leaving Montag to be arrested. This would not have happened if their bond had been stronger. Mildred’s love for her technology, and Montag’s disdain for it finally led to their break up. Since Mildred was always so focused on her technology, she had spent less time thinking about and being with Montag. This even caused Mildred to forget the place where they first met. They never formed a strong and durable relationship. If their bond would have been stronger, Mildred might have sympathized with her husband and not have given him up to the firemen. Therefore, it was ultimately the technology that caused the downfall of their

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