
Technology and Social Inclusion, An Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Fink, Carsten and Kenny, Charles J. (2003). "W(h)ither the Digital Divide.
"http: //freeculture2.
As a prerequisite before we analyse the one laptop per child (OLPC) program and then trying to compare it with other Information and communication Technology (ICT) initiatives, it is of great importance to understand the developmental issues all of which these programs aim to resolve. These programs in the current world do address multiple socioeconomic problems, as they most broadly mitigate the digital divide that currently exists. Many research papers have been written about the issues and characteristics stemming from the digital divide over the past few years. “The term ‘digital divide’ is most of the times used to describe the evident unequal ICT access patterns across various nations”. However, this phenomenon is not evidently witnessed between the rich and poor nations. It has also been noted that the digital divide encompasses unequal ICT access patterns within countries, this divide between the rich and poor, or the urban and the rural citizens.

Warschauer, Mark. (2003). “Technology and Social Inclusion: Rethinking the Digital Divide”
MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is very evident in today’s world that an expert in the role of education to limit the digital divide that exists, expand on the idea stating digital inequality which encompasses five main variables: the technical

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