
Ted Bundy Case Summary

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Summary of Case Bundy always had a way to manipulate women, “He’d often disguise himself with facial hair or draw on moles and pretend to be an authority figure” ( “Ted Bundy Biography”,2018). He would also pretend to be a handicapped individual to gain the sympathy of these women . “He would put fake casts on one of his legs or arms, then go out in public pretending to struggle with books and boxes hoping a woman might help him”( “Ted Bundy Biography”,2018). This was Bundy’s way of planning his attack on the victims. There was also the incident where Bundy abducted and killed a twelve year old child. “ Bundy also lured 12 year old Lynette Dawn Culver away from her junior high school in Pocatello, Id. He abducted her, took her back to his hotel room where he raped her, drowned her, and threw her body in a river north of Pocatello” ( “Ted Bundy …show more content…

He would often bite his victims after killing them, “ One victim was bitten so badly on her breasts that one of her nipples was almost completely detached” ( “Ted Bundy Biography”, 2018). Another chilling fact about him was that he would train to be strong to kill . “Bundy treated murder like a sport, he would actually engage in a catch and release type of training during his “off season” ( “Ted Bundy Biography”,2018). Ted on his last attacks left two girls alive, they had to testify against this monster. “During pretrial maneuvering they had to face bundy” (Living Victims,2018). The reason Ted Bundy went under suspicion was the DNA match on his victims from the bite marks that he had left on them. He at one point disabled a women’s car in order to make her become vulnerable to him making this a satisfaction to his sexual fantasies. His success in his crimes lies greatly on the meticulous planning and concrete preparation of each attack. It is said that he may have killed as many as 36 women , although it is said there may

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