
Teen Suicide Essay

Decent Essays

Teen suicide is the third leading cause of death for high schools students (Health wise). Suicide is a voluntary self-inflicting injury or act of violence with the intent of dying (Teen Suicide). Suicide is such a depressing way to end your life, especially for young people. Young people have their whole life ahead of them, college, discovering themselves, making a family, and just living their life. Committing suicide throws these choices away and it can negatively impact the people around them.
There are many risk factors for suicide; stress, relationship problems, psychiatric problems, abuse, and most importantly bullying. Some teens may be so overwhelmed with school especially, in high school. During their junior year is when things …show more content…

Some teens who attempt suicide may have experienced multiple negative life events, sexual abuse, neglection, separation, and previous suicide attempts (Teen Suicide Is a Major Health Problem). Suicide has so many risk factors and negative results. No one should have to go through any of these problems nor deal with the loss of a loved one due to suicide.
When an unusual number of suicides occur in a small amount of time it is a suicide clusters. Committing suicide can increase rates of suicide in people exposed to it, a term is known as suicide contagion. Suicide contagion can affect people who are exposed to suicide directly or by hearing about it (Teen Suicide). Media depictions are the worse. Recently a Netflix series 13 Reason Why, debuted it is about a girl who commits suicides and makes 13 tapes blaming people for her death. Young people tend to mimic what they see, so this show can be seen as negative because it gives off the impression that it is okay to blame people for your problems and you shouldn’t seek help. Both of these exposures have been linked to increases in suicidal thoughts and behavior (Teen Suicide).
Suicide prevention month and crisis counseling are ways that haven’t been very effective. September is suicide prevention month, September 7-13 is National Suicide Prevention week, and September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day (Health Wise). Also, Suicide hotlines are

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