
Teenage Drug Use Of Drugs

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Elizabeth Onyiego 9/27/2014 Sociology 100 Professor Victoria Hoverman Teenage Drug Use In today’s society, one of the common problems among teenagers is the use of drugs. Teen age is probably one of the most challenging periods in life. It is a stage of self identity crisis that leads to great confusion amongst the teens. Belonging and being accepted in a group is very important in the minds of the teens; where many regard the act as cool. During these years of growth, teenagers encounter their share of positive and negative experiences. Peer pressure, curiosity, and the availability of drugs are factors that some youth and vulnerable teenagers have to deal with in this adolescent period. There are many reasons why teens get involved in drugs. However, one significant reason is peer pressure, through social influence of friends, acquaintances, schools, and the community. Depending on the person’s experiences, choices, and circumstances, consequences may vary. If a teenager’s main social group uses drugs, then there will be high chance for them to use drugs due to the fact that drugs are present and can easily be accessed. Also, the teen might get convinced to think that there is nothing wrong with trying drugs because “everyone else is doing it.” The reality is that these teenagers will try drugs just to fit, or to be accepted in the group. They do it to impress their buddies to be considered “cool” among the group members. According to authors: Falck, Russel S., et al on

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