
Teenage Love : The Different Forms Of Love

Decent Essays

Love has its own way of putting itself together, there are different paths that it could take whether one may like it or not. Kyle Waltman states that “love exists in a variety of different forms” (347) and how “romantic love” (347) is the one that society admires the most. From the teenage love to when one gets married, it is something that grows in its own way day by day. Love is the most complex feeling there is out there, it comes in two forms: infatuation or the true feeling of love. As time goes on and the feelings grow, the more intense the relationship between lovers become. The complication lies beneath the surface where the only way to reach intimacy is to say, “I love you”.
The first form is known as infatuation and using the word “I love you”. As the relationship develops to the point where “I love you” is about to be said, there is a wave of pressure that hits both parties. The time spent together has grown day by day. Time is the reason why there is a pressure to say, “I love you” because the pressure causes the couple to express how they really feel about each other. Once one partner proclaims their love, there is anxiety burning inside waiting for the other partner to say it back. After it has been said, everything seems to be put into place. Then the relief kicks in and the moment of happiness blossoms through the hearts of each lover, where they are experiencing this mutual, intense feeling. When the love becomes mutual between the two partners, it puts into hand their own “personal intimacy [which] brings forth a beautiful connection unlike any other” (Waltman 347).
Many people might say that the phrase “I love you” has a meaning of its own and is “necessary in the presence of building the forces for love.” (Migerode and Hooghe 378) But this is not true because there comes a point in the relationship where the “I love you”(s) are being said too often. This can hurt the meaning and intimacy of the phrase. When one lover calls out the other for saying “I love you” too often it leads to the phrase being said less and could have the potential to cause the intimacy to die out slowly. When someone says, “I love you” too many times, “often the [lover] could just be seeking reassurance that the

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