
Teens And Effects Of Teen Acne

Decent Essays

Did you know about ninety-two percent of teens have acne? Acne is a disease that affects the skin's oil glands. Oil production, dead skin cells, pores and bacteria are what causes acne. Acne can appear on multiple parts of the upper body. Even though I do not have acne, I chose to focus on it to help other teens out who have acne. Teen acne can cause depression, low self esteem, poor self image and anxiety and there are many things teens can do to help prevent it. This can including taking care of your skin, watching what you put inside and outside of your body and what you do in your daily life. Acne is caused by hair follicles being clogged with oil and dead skin cells and from pores and bacteria on our skin. Acne can occur on your face, neck, back, shoulders and chest because these areas of your body have the most oil glands. Acne is most common on the cheeks, about eighty percent of people have cheek acne. Acne can also depend on your diet and what you put on your skin and in your hair. Eating healthy and not putting lots of product on your skin will help prevent acne. Hair gels and fragrances cause hair follicles to clog up with causes acne. Acne was discovered in the 1950s. Antibiotics were taken orally and they beneficially helped. As well, there are many different types of acne. The three categories of acne are mild, moderate, and severe. If you have mild acne, you will have occasional pimples. Moderate acne is when papules appear on the skin. A papule is a pimple that has swelled up and can form a rash but no pus comes out of it. Severe acne is nodules and cysts appearing on your skin. A nodule is a much more severe pimple that affects deeper layers of the skin as well as being large and inflamed. A cyst is inflammation from clogged oil ducts that may rupture. There are also blackheads and whiteheads. A blackhead is a pore filled with dead skin cells and excess oil. Blackheads are a dark color because of melanin, excess skin pigment. Whiteheads are like blackheads with how the are filled with dead skin cells and excess oil, but, whiteheads are beneath the skin. Symptoms of acne include pimples filled with pus, which is an oil gland infected with bacteria, red bumps that are large and tender, and

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