
Teixobactin Research Paper

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I bet as a child your parents scolded you for playing and digging in the dirt. When the Scientist that recently discovered a new antibiotic called Teixobactin are all grinning now thinking back to their parents face when they were shifting through dirt.

Why is the discovery of Teixobactin Antibiotic making scientific headlines? Since the 1960s there has not been a new antibiotic discovered. Some may think that is impossible but actually it is quite possible. Microorganism’s compounds are found by screening (shifting) through soil however this proved very limited. By the 1960s screening (shifting) for Microorganisms compounds left soil over cultivated. Scientist since have unsuccessfully tried to create synthetic antibiotics however have not been able to match the effectiveness of natural antibiotics.

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Once the medication is available to the general population, then there is the hypocrisy that comes with dealing with pharmaceutical companies. Many believe that pharmaceutical companies are in the business of disease management not healing and curing people. Ethically and morally withholding or offering the price of medication at such a high price it is not feasible to general working class individuals in need of the medication. Martin Shkreli, the CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals (CITED), recently raised the price of Thiola from $1.50 to $30 a pill. Causing many to argue the ethical or moral aptitude of those working at “Big Pharma” and where there interest truly lies? With little to no regulation of profit and cost management those who have the ability to increase medication price, how do we really know what cures are available but beyond our financial

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