Telemedicine Rebecca P Meripo
MHS515: Information System in Health Care
Professor Susan Harman
United States University
Introduction In order to develop the health and health care and also in order to use the new and upcoming technology the Telemedicine is used which is an extension of eHealth. Telecare and Telemonitoring are the other two words which are also associated with telemedicine. Through telemedicine the patient can be monitored at their home. Telemedicine represents inspiring transfer in the delivery of health care, due to this transfer there will be change in patient care from the
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(American Telemedicine Association, 2012)
• Medical education provides systematic medical instruction credits for health professionals. In rural areas the target groups are provided with special medical education seminars. (American Telemedicine Association, 2012)
The role of Telemedicine in clinical decision making:
“ Promoting, empowering and facilitating health and wellbeing with individuals, families and communities, and the development of specialized practice through the use of information management and information and communication technology is the main role that is played by EHealth which is an aspect of health care ” (RCN ehealth strtegic plan, 2013)
Telemedicine is the extension of eHealth. The consultation by phone has become a routine in primary health care. The practice nurses should be provided with the educational support in order to cope up with the situations in this area. In order to continue professional development for practice nurses Telephone consultation skills are obligatory. To improve quality of care Practices should implement a process of evaluating telephone calls and auditing outcomes. (Andrews,
The benefits of telehealth consultations are immeasurable; clients are able to access a knowledgeable health care professional and receive a telephone triage/assessment and recommendations. This allows the patient to have immediate access to good health advice and quicker solutions. Telemedicine is one of the many vehicles of telehealth; for example, the cardiologist orders an outpatient Holter Monitor trial to evaluate arrhythmias. The technician calls the patient at the sign of any abnormal rhythm and investigate the activity performed when the reading fluctuation then the reported is communicated to the cardiologist. If warranted, the cardiology staff will contact the patient with instructions schedule an immediate appointment. Telehealth services resources would benefit the client in this next example, an individual’s come in for a sick visit expecting a prescription to be written for their illness; they receive informative instructions because of the nature of the
Telehealth is the use of electronic information to support long distance clinical health care, patient education, and public health administration. Telehealth involves video conferences, internet, streaming media, and wireless communication to deliver health related services. It encompasses the preventative, promotive, and curative aspects of health care. This system exchanges health related data and other information between the patient and the health care professional to help with the diagnosis and management of conditions. It allows for conferencing between health care professionals and patients in “real time”, remote patient monitoring (such as the blood pressure monitor feeding results through the system), electronic consultation, transmission of medical data, health advice in emergency cases, and long distance patient education. Telehealth is great for monitoring a client in between doctor appointments in order to assess their progression. This benefits the clients because it reduces the need for hospitalizations and visits to the emergency room, while improving their quality of life.
Telehealth is an innovative approach to health care that is rapidly expanding in all areas of patient care. It has been shown to be cost effective and is rapidly being integrated into everyday practices from clinics, hospitals, court systems, school systems and even the local drug store.
In this context telemedicine and technological capability can respond to two major strands: the first is a simplification to ensure that with available technologies, all actors of a clinical path from taking care to resign, share real-time Useful information for themselves and for other professionals in order to identify and follow the best path. The second strand is the provision on the territory of technological capacities that are very developed in a hospital environment but whose deployment is quite circumscribed.
The delivery of health care has always been influenced by technological developments and innovations. This is particularly true in modern health care professionals where they are obsessed with technology and rush to apply them. One of the most recent applications of ICT – Information and computer technology- is telehealth. Telehealth is the use of communication, diagnostic and information technology to provide health care when patients and providers are geographically separated [2], Technologies include videoconferencing, the internet, store -and-forward imaging, streaming media, terrestrial and wireless communications. Telehealth could be as simple as two health professionals discussing a case over the telephone or as
Telehealth: Opportunities and Challenges Student’s Name Institution/University Telehealth: Opportunities and Challenges Telehealth is defined as the use of information technology to support healthcare activities such as health administration, patient education, professional training and public health (Yasnoff et al., 2000). The recent concept of telehealth is continuously changing to enhance patient care in more efficient ways. The use of telehealth cuts across different settings such as the doctors’ offices, hospitals and even in home-based care. The telehealth encompasses the use of telephones, video calls, computers and other teleconferencing equipment.
Telehealth- is a collection of means or methods for enchancing health care, public health,and health education delievery and support using telecommunications technologies.
I have no personal experience with telehealth, but I have witness a few promotional videos over the recent years. As technology continues to grow within the healthcare system, it will allow us to provide better care whether we are face-to-face or miles apart. Telehealth is can be beneficial to not only the healthcare workers but always the patient. Telehealth allows the healthcare system to ensure continuity of care and also evaluate patient compliance to the plan of care. Since technology is so prominent in todays society, telehealth allows the patients to have quick and easy way to contact their provider via email, blog, or videochat.
Telehealth is the monitoring via remote exchange of physiological data between a patient at home and health care professionals at hospitals or clinics to assist with diagnosis and treatment. As our society ages and health care costs increase, government and private insurance payers are seeking technological interventions. Technological solutions may provide high quality healthcare services at a distance, utilize professional resources more effectively, and enable elderly and ill patients to remain in their own homes. Patients may experience decreased hospitalization and urgent care settings, and out of home care may not be required as the patient is monitored at home. However, no study has been able to prove telehealth
Telehealth is becoming a widely-used tool for seeking medical care, or consultation. The world of technology we live in is ever growing, making healthcare easily accessible through telehealth. While many different organizations define telehealth using different words, they all have the same idea. I found in my research that telehealth and telemedicine are defined differently.
Telemedicine is similar to Telehealth. Telehealth refers to a broader scope of remote healthcare service but Telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical services. Telehealth can also refer to remote non-clinical services. For example provider training and meetings (link 3). In the past the network is not as fast as now, thus telemedicine is only use in clinical services. Now, due to the development of network, more information can be transferred in a shorter period, thus Telemedicine can be to provide other non-clinical services. The word “Telehealth” refers to both clinical and non-clinical services.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss how technology has impacted the health care delivery system. Health care technology is advancing at an increasingly rapid rate in the United States, and globally. Patients and providers are witnessing these changes through the use of telehealth, and telemedicine applications. Telehealth, and telemedicine are often used interchangeably, however there is a difference between the two applications. Telehealth is the use of technology to deliver health care, health information, or health education at a distance (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.).
Through videoconferencing, Telehealth are able to give immediate diagnosis for a patient who needs urgent care (Saqui et al., 2011). A lot of effort is involve before a patient could meet with his or her doctor such as making an appointment, sorting his or her schedule and so on and so forth. By the time the person with health concern meets with his or her doctor the illness might already aggravated; consequently, the health care system through Telehealth provides a quicker and more efficient way on determining the type and seriousness of the patients and illness without leaving the comfort of their homes. By contacting Telehealth as soon as a person notices some irregularities in the person’s normal body functions that indicates that he may or may not be ill, enable that person who called to act immediately preventing the illness from advancing any further or on the other hand be reassured that there’s nothing to worry about. Furthermore, Telehealth also made the monitoring on recovering patients at their homes faster, the registered nurse in-charge of monitoring the patient can guide the patient in his recovery process through a streaming media. Any concerns that may arise in the recovery process can be solved a lot quicker, the patient can leave a message or phoned and the health care provider will respond to it as soon as possible stating the fact that Telehealth service is available 24 hours a day.
There are several forms of technology that is used to monitor, assist patients with self-care management, assist physicians with delivering care to their patients, including consultation with specialist, and overcoming barriers with transportation. “60% of the healthcare executives, physicians, and nurses in this inaugural survey said that telemedicine was a high priority for 2015“ (Vockley, 2015, para. 7) Telemedicine
Telemedicine is the use telecommunications and information technology to provide healthcare to patients located in the remote or distant locations. For example: people staying in the mountainous areas or islands can get medical services right at their home with the help of smart devices or patients who cannot go to the hospital for some reason.