Television news vs. Newspaper When it comes to finding about the news of what’s going on in our world, we want details and facts. We want the juice of what’s actually going on. The debate between the efficiency of newspapers and TV news, TV news is a lot more effective.
Watching the news on TV is a lot easier for people to understand and is more convenient than reading it on paper. For the people who are always in a rush in the morning, it’s more convenient to turn on the TV and listen to what’s going on rather than trying to read a paper because it will only slow your task down. Also, for the people who don’t know how to read and for elders whose eyes don’t function properly, the TV is a better source of finding out the news. Not only
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The smallest story could be the most important; but if you have a newspaper, you won’t be able to find out what’s going on, so you’ll have to rely on the TV news to tell you what you want to know. TV offers more options of news. People are mostly fond of making choices. Watching TV can satisfy this requirement. Because there are many channels for options on news, for example, ABC7 channel news doesn’t provide you the news you want to know about, then you can always change the channel. But the newspaper is published by one publication. Whatever information is on there is what you have to stick with. The point of view and the news are somehow limited and prejudice. So in order to get a comprehensive view, people can try many different channels to get an understanding.
Unlike the TV news, newspaper are portable and has no time limited, this has the advantages that people can read them whenever they want. But I believe that getting news from TVs is due to its efficiency, convenience and easy understanding is a lot better than just reading the
It is important that news sources provide facts because not only does that allow viewers to choose a side, but it also informs him/her about what is going on. An individual should not have to search for the truth; every source should give both sides of a story. Each individual should be able to find the truth in a single source. Since this is not the case, viewers are having to look for the truth. Watching the news on the television mostly shows only one side of the story and the sources do not pay attention to other opinions which makes the viewer stick to that belief as well. However, in today’s generation, most individuals do not rely on television for the news. These individuals utilize electronic devices to find out about recents news. The viewers hear or read about different perspectives and are able to decide what they agree with and disagree
Television is incorporated into my daily routine whether it is watching the news in the morning or a movie at night. When I watch the news in the morning I catch up on current events and other news. On the other hand. At night I watch movies for entertainment and enjoyment. Television is not just changing people into couch potatoes by watching “chasing fast cars, drinking lite beer, shooting each other t close range, etc.”, it also can be a daily tool to learn new things and catch up on current events.
The popularity of television developed in the 1950’s, but the power of television as a medium secured its place in the 1960’s. This is demonstrated statistically in a Roper research poll aimed to investigate American television habits and related attitudes (Small 12). Adult participants were asked how they received most of their news about world current events and were then given options including television, newspapers, magazines or radio. In 1959, 57% identified newspapers over television; by 1969, television had taken the lead as the preferred source as stated by 64% of individuals (13). Participants were also asked which source they would be more inclined to believe if they experienced conflicting reports of the same news story. In the 1959 poll, the results showed television slightly behind newspapers, but the 1969 responses showed an increase of 44% choosing television as a more trusted source over 21% identifying newspapers. Again, the enchantment with television was revealed when more than half of the respondents identified TV as the option most likely to keep if forced to choose between the four previously mentioned mediums (13). The changes exhibited over a decade reveal the public’s budding dependence on television broadcast news.
Despite the fact that television is still the dominant source, there have been shifts involving the consumption of news programming. There has been a significant fall in the reliance of the networks and their national newscasts for America's news. Today more people are relying on the reports given by local news programs than on that of the networks. Several surveys have recorded this shift as early as 1993, denoting that much of America cites local news on television as their major source of information.
TV is a constant presence in most Americans' lives. With all of its shows that have highly entertaining style, it gets many people's attention for several hours each day. Television helps people to develop values and know about the world around them. Moreover it influences viewers' attitudes and beliefs about themselves, as well as about people from other social and cultural backgrounds. TV is the biggest element that can influence on U.S. culture because of the news reports, the TV shows, and the commercials that on television screen.
Viewers rely on the media to inform them about what is going on in the world. Just like people, however the news industry has different biases. Which is why two different news channels will tell a different story on what is based on the same
The media is one of the most common ways to get information. People can log on to a news website, they can obtain information through mobile online articles, and can watch the nightly news channel on various stations to learn about what is going on in their local city and in the world as a whole. There are dozens of news stations that people can obtain their information, such as CNN, Fox News, CBS News, and the local news station. However, the place in which these individuals obtain their information might not always be the most effective, most factual and accurate, or the most
According to research obtained by Cornell University scientists, 92% of Americans watch TV, 87% read newspapers, and 81% specifically watch local or national televised news stations…
We have a sense of what is happening around us, with a fair insight about how things work elsewhere on the globe. We can view the world through the television, even if we are rooted in one spot the whole time. It is a getaway to places unknown, foreign, and magical with knowledge of what goes on around us without being physically present in that place. The media in all its forms can introduce us to creative outlets that can help us better ourselves in different ways, be it in our personal or work lives. It can change our perspectives and push us to do more than what we limit ourselves to. It can also help us engage with other people around the world, and be more open and understanding towards other cultures.
Newspapers and other forms of news are very vital communication methods in the world today. The goal of news is to sell us their ideas by being biased and talking about how their idea is best. News can give us biased information although, the viewer could do further research on the
When a person watches television specifically a news network, they will become politically informed. “Without reading a daily newspaper, watching the TV news, or otherwise following current events, even the best-educated people will probably not pick up much knowledge about the political world.” (Page-69, IVYP) Media on television is constantly reporting what the President or other political figures are doing. Usually the media is criticizing politicians for statements or decisions they made. The problem with the media being critical to politicians all the time is that the negative news coverage is unappealing especially to a young voter like myself.
One could say that the news is constituted of an accurate, balanced and timely reportage on the events of the day, or a combination of what will interest and engage the public. But the primary point is that news never just happens': what appears in a bulletin is an attempt to a comprehensible interpretation of selected events, and as such is never wholly value-free. (cf. Barnard 2000: 139-149)
The belief that journalism is in decline has triggered major alarms, because society needs an informational environment that is easily available to all citizens such as newspapers. There is a large body of journalist that suggests that if television has taken over from the press as our main source of news this may limit our capacity to learn about public affairs; newspapers are believed to be far more effective than television at conveying detailed information necessary to understand complex and detailed issues. There is also widespread concern that if journalism fails as a profession it will not be able to reach large sections of the community, particularly younger or less educated readers. This may reinforce a growing gap among citizens between the information that they receive.
Just a few years ago, the only way that people knew what was happening in other parts of the world was by hearing it on a news report over the radio. Now, people use the television to get news reported to them. My grandfather told me that he did not like listening to the radio because he could not actually see what was happening. He really enjoys watching the TV because he can hear what report is talking about and actually see what is taking place.
Fourthly, the video news is a straighter way to the user to access the news information. The technique showing as a video can be more efficient to let the user see how it works. Video as a new pattern of manifestation compared to the old-fashioned newspaper is convenient to the person who does not like reading. For example, the user can see visually the usability review of the new product and how the product improved compared to other products. One respondent said she will directly watch the video when she is tired to read news with so many words. What’s more, considered about the group who just wants to watch the video