
Teresa Avery's Civil Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

As Avery's civil case of $ 36 million against Manitowoc County progressed, a photographer, Teresa Halbach, was nowhere to be seen and was reported missing. The last place she was known to at the Avery’s auto salvage property where she had an appointment with Avery to take a picture of a car there. Avery in the eyes of Manitowoc County he was the prime suspect. Manitowoc County “found” Halbach's burned bones in a fire pit, her car in the yard, blood stains on the car's interior, and her car keys in Avery's bedroom. Avery was then arrested again, and then was interrogated for many hours to see if he would confess to the murder of Theresa Halbach, and once again was not allowed an attorney. Why? Once again here they are attempting to hurt the

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