
Textbooks And The Cost Of Textbooks Essay

Decent Essays

Textbooks must be restocked in classrooms every few years with the updated information, amassing the cost for schools. Since this is occurring, the cost of textbook will be significantly higher than tablets/computers. Online textbooks on average cost 50-60% less than print textbooks. The Federal Communications Commission reported school districts spend more than $8 billion every year on textbooks. In contrast to e-books costing around $250-$1,000 for every student. The average tablet contains anywhere from 8 to 64 GB of storage space; one GB can hold up to 1,000 books (ProCon 2). Tablets/computers, not only last a longer span of time, but also have the ability to update. When updating takes place, the students are able to access current learning data. Tablets will be lasting in classrooms; moreover if tablets are kept up-to-date and are easily handled. As a result, yearly schools will only have to pay for the Wi-Fi cost, new devices that were damaged, and the fee of the students that have online textbooks. Textbooks do not have to rely on Wi-Fi to be able to function properly. This is a positive factor to having textbooks in classrooms, is being capable of still complete classwork without having to depend on the Wi-Fi to operate correctly. There are downfalls to relying on Wi-Fi to finish documents, research, and homework assignments for classes. Students may not have Wi-Fi connections at home; one third of Americans do not have internet access at their households (ProCon

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