
Texting And Adolescence Reduces Writing Skills

Decent Essays

Texting in Adolescence Reduces Writing skills With technology becoming big in this lifetime, there are many concerns that texting in adolescence reduces their writing skills. In this paper, two different studies will be composed that will address the research question into some depth. A correlational design will be the first type of study used. Secondly, will be an experimental design study. Both studies will provide information and results on whether or not texting in adolescence reduces writing skills. To observe whether or not texting in adolescence reduces writing, I will start by constructing my correlational study. The participants I have chosen for this study are college aged students all of the same age, for example, I will study 15-25 different freshmen students who own cell phones. For recruitment for my study I will send out an email to all freshman students on campus, included in this email would be the location and time in which this study will take place. This email will also advertise that individuals who make it through the entire 4 weeks of the study will receive a new cell phone for participating. Once I have received responses from the amount of participants I will make sure to reinsure them of the time and location this study will take place. First I will ask all the participants to sit around a table with their cell phones in front of them as I explain to them what the purpose of this study is for, because they are all over the age of 18 I ask each

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