
Texting Argument Essay

Decent Essays

Have anyone ever wondered why literacy rates are low? Technology is a very good thing,but people should measure their usage. All electronic devices have apps where people can communicate and even live chat with one another. Texting is one of those things that are affecting people's brains and the literacy rates are dropping. People need to reduce the amount of texting because some people text and drive,and literacy rates are lower because of this.
Another term for texting would be considered sms (source B). Sms stands for short term message. Tm is also a short term for text message (Dakin). Social Slang and slang in general is being used often when people talk to each other( Miners). For example people use numbers,symbols, and word phrases when they text (Tomaszewski). This slang/social slang will affect people when they get a professional job,because they will not know how to spell correctly (Tomaszewski). The …show more content…

Being on the phone is a huge distraction. In Some cases have also had more car accidents because of driving and texting (Loftis). Texting can also cause finger problems(Kelland). Some teens text during school or try to get away with texting during school (Hanfer). They use auto correct instead of spelling the word (Fleck). These texting cases are going to get worse as the years go on if we do not limit the usage of texting (Hanfer). The majority of teens get accustomed to using cyber slang (Miners). To continue, some teens choose to text at night because they have more free time or need help with homework (Fleck). Walking and texting is another negative cause because they are focusing on what they are doing rather than paying attention to where they are going or where they are walking to (Loftis). Teens texting affects them during class because it is easier for them to text each other the answers on a text which would be considered cheating

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