
Texting While Driving

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Texting and driving is the cause many accidents, in 2016 there were nearly 123,131 car crashes with 37,461 of them causing fatality. People need to understand the dangers of texting while driving. Texting and driving is dangerous to all motorists. Using a cellphone while driving can be tremendously distracting. The text can always wait. It’s either that or driving off the road or even hitting other cars. Phones can cause several accidents due to distraction. Possibly even losing your life or being the cause of someone else losing their life. According to the passage “ A Call for Safety” “ You’re focusing on one task for a split second, then focusing on another one, and with something moving 40 miles an hour like a car, it just takes a couple of seconds to be hit.” This passage is stating that not paying attention and being on a phone can cause a reck. It is not worth it to text and losing your focus on driving. …show more content…

Teenagers and grown adults should be following the laws and not be using their phone at all while driving. The fines can be very high for a major offence with texting and driving. According to a website “” “Alaska has the strongest penalty: Up to $10,000 and a year in prison for the first offence.”Using a cellular device while stimulating an automobile is not worth all that time and money. According to the text,“Texting Spells Trouble for Teen Drivers” It states “The TTI report supports lawmakers’ arguments that strict legislation against cell phone use is necessary for increasing safety on the road way.” Texting and driving is so serious that they are having to enforce those laws on us

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