
Essay about The 1980 U.S. Miracle NHL Team in the Olympics

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How the 1980 miracle team was significant. Due to rules in the Olympics, NHL players have to change how they play and how 135 NHL players are going to have to change their style of play. The Russians are predicted to win because of home field advantage in 2014.

According to Lyle Richardson, a columnist for the bleacher report, the rosters for the 12 teams have been announced and a considerable number of NHL players made the cut. Indeed, some of these teams are entirely made up of NHL stars. Every NHL team has players headed to Sochi, with some teams seeing a significant number of stars competing in the tournament. Russia has predicted to beat Sweden for the gold in the championship game but the Sweden’s are not going away easily. Every …show more content…

Canada has the most medals out of all 12 countries competing; Team USA has the second most with sixteen. All of the rosters of the twelve teams have at least one NHL player on its roster. However, the NHL is thinking about not letting its players play in the Olympics because it cuts into the season, and there is a risk of getting there star players injured.
When Team USA beat the Soviet in 1980 it was important for the US hockey world because that team was seeded seventh entering the game against the Soviet Union. During the 1980 Olympic run the average age was 22 and all the players that year were both amateur and college players and the Soviet’s team was mainly professional and experienced players. This win gave coach Herb Brooks a place in history because he did something no other USA coach has done for the last twenty years and that is beat Russia, and he was named sportsman of the year in 1990.
In the Olympics for Hockey, they take the helmet and protecting the face rule very serious. During warm-ups, it has been required that all players wear helmets. If a player is not wearing his helmet correctly during the game, the game will be stopped and the player is penalized. The NHL is a little bit easier on players, it’s not required like in the Olympics where players have to wear a helmet during pre-game and if your helmet comes off in the during NHL play the game continues.
The NHL thinks the 2014 Olympics could be the last;

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