
The Achievement Habit By Bernard Roth

Decent Essays

Nothing is what we think it is and the meaning of life is much different then how we portray it. Bernard Roth, author of The Achievement Habit, really emphasizes on what those statements mean in chapter one. Throughout the reading, Roth argues how people need to determine what the true meaning of life is, the perception of one’s achievements and the difference between right and wrong. Roth uses ethos, pathos, and logos to allude to what it takes to achieve happiness by displaying what holds one back from achieving a sense of contentment. Throughout the essay Roth uses Ethos to construct his arguments on “Nothing is what you think it is” (Roth 15-37). Roth broad perspective on his personal experiences gives real life examples that are easy …show more content…

When answering the question of Roth’s knowledge, many people believe the man is a genius. The way he translates life is completely understanding for an individual. He explains in different stories how he first hand has experienced these types of things, and yet has done his research on the arguments too. Roth describes how knowledgeable he is through his writing. A prime example Roth uses is “You give everything in your life it’s meaning, so you can choose to end the game.” (Roth 36). Roth uses connotative writing throughout the chapter to give examples of pathos. Another rhetorical device used throughout the chapter is logos. Logos is the logic behind the information and examples Roth uses. Roth states. “In life typically, the only one keeping a scorecard of your successes and failures is you, and there are ample opportunities to learn the lessons you need to learn, even if you didn’t get it right the first- or fifth- time.” (Roth 21). This is a vast example of logos because it lets the reader know the undeniable truth behind succeeding. Roth uses examples that relate to people’s life situations, to persuade them into believing his theory behind “Nothing is what you think it is” (Roth 15-37). Carol Dweck writes, “For twenty years, my research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and weather you accomplish the things you

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