
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain

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“Mark Twain’s story about a young boy and his journey down the Mississippi was the first great novel to speak in a truly American voice.” Quoted from the back of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, this sentence suggests the novel to be an American classic, even to go so far as to say The American Classic, as it later goes on to say that it: “influenc[ed] subsequent generations of writers.” Based on this summary paragraph, one receives a general idea of this book’s importance to American literature, but why does this novel hold such value? What makes this novel an American classic? Before this question can be answered, the definition of an American classic must be firmly in place. According to the two sources investigated, an American classic is also an expression of the times in which it was written, is “able to endure the test of time,” presents truths and themes that are relevant to all people, reflects beliefs of self-reliance and independence as are from the frontier days, features a lively streak of humor and includes connections to other works (Qualities of Classic Literature, Main Characteristics of American Literature). With this in mind, proceed to the subsequent paragraphs for evidence that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is The Classic American novel. To begin, a discussion of the time period in which Huckleberry Finn takes place is in store. There are countless examples present in the text that paint a vivid image of the culture of this time period. One

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