
The Agency : Purpose And Mission

Good Essays

A) Overview of the agency; purpose/mission:
ChildNet is a private non-profit agency that manages the local system of services and support for children in the community. It is the community-based-care lead agency in Broward and Palm Beach County and its mission is to protect abused, abandoned and neglected children in the community they serve.
B) Population being served:
The population being served at ChildNet are children and families who are involved in the child welfare system in Broward and Palm Beach County.
C) Services provided to clients:
ChildNet provides a wide range of services depending on the client’s needs. They offer case management, foster care, adoption and family preservation services for the children and …show more content…

Having knowledge of different cultures and how it affects people is utterly important for social workers. Cultural competence for me, means having an understanding and acquiring knowledge of different cultures in order to effectively serve different clients and to understand their complex needs. Social workers should routinely review the professional literature and participate in continuing education relevant to social work practice and social work ethics (NASW, 2008).
2. Identify how clients at the agency may be oppressed, marginalized, or alienated in our society and how it impacts the clients at your agency
ChildNet’s clients are from diverse backgrounds and belong to different races, ages, religions and ethnicities. Many of them are experiencing challenges due to mental health issues, addictions and the court system. They are being discriminated against because of their challenges and many are therefore unable to find a job, stable housing or help to overcome these challenges. Transportation is a vital part of being able to live a good life for many people. Without transportation it is almost impossible to gain and keep a job, and without a job it is impossible to have a stable income and housing in order to properly care for children. Many of our clients are being oppressed because of their challenges; they are unable to find

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