
The American Dream Overcoming Obstacles Research Paper

Decent Essays

Gabriela Reyes
Mrs. Iannacone
Honors English I, Period 8
4 June 2018
The American Dream:
Overcoming the Obstacles
In places all around the world, America is recognized as a cultural mosaic due to the immigration of a vast number of people all in pursuit of the American Dream. In the wise words of historian James Truslow Adams, the American Dream can be defined as “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.” The notion that there exists a place that holds opportunities for all, regardless of social or ethnic background, continues to encourage many to settle in the United States. However, more often than not, these people are left disappointed. …show more content…

For one, those who occupy the bottom of the economic pyramid and have the most to gain are generally more optimistic about rising to the top. According to Kraus, “For those who saw themselves as rich and successful, it helped justify their wealth. For the poor, it provided hope for a brighter economic future” (Kraus 1). Although it is widely believed that America is home to plenty of opportunities for any person who is willing to succeed, this is unfortunately not always the case. In this day and age, education is vital in order to find a job that can keep a roof over one’s head. However, parents who live below the poverty line find it more difficult to send their offspring to a school that offers even mildly decent education. In contrast, financially stable parents have far more access to resources that can aid their children, such as tutoring. A lack of proper schooling can serve as a hindrance to the needy children in the future and prevent them from ever ascending the economic ladder. Statistics show that only 3% of students at top colleges come from the poorest quarter of the population (“Inequality and the American Dream” 1). This can attest to the idea that the American Dream cannot be achieved regardless of class; it can only be fulfilled by those who have the resources to do …show more content…

In regards to employment, many managers prefer hiring males between their 20’s and 30’s over females of the same age in order to avoid costs for maternity leave. According to a survey of 500 managers conducted by Slater & Gordon, 40% admitted they were usually skeptical when it came to hiring women of childbearing age, and a similar number were skeptical of hiring a woman that already had a child or were hiring a mother for a senior role. Another 25% said that they preferred hiring males so as to avoid any complications regarding maternity leave and childcare upon a woman’s return to work, and a third of the managers made the claim that women are “not as good at their jobs when they come back from maternity leave” (Press Association 1). Furthermore, the difference in pay between that of a male and a female is also an issue that affects women more than they can imagine. As a matter of fact, women are considered more educated than men, yet earn only 79 cents to every dollar a man makes, a number which has remained largely unchanged over the course of a decade. According to Chia, the gender pay gap will cost the average American $430,480 and stands at a staggering $1.8 million for Latina women (Chia 1). Moreover, many women all over the country encounter gender discrimination due to having children out of wedlock. For

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