
The American Health Care System

Decent Essays

The American Health Care System

When you think of the American health care system, most people would like to think that it has evolved with the citizen’s best interest in mind. I realized maybe this was not the case after the story I heard from my sister. My sister has dealt with many health problems throughout her whole life from childhood leukemia to extensive back problems and most recently a serious heart condition. She was experiencing shortness of breath and was referred to a specialist to get further testing and imaging done to figure out what the problem was. Her insurance coverage was through the Affordable Care Act, but it did not actually help her. Although she is covered, her deductible is through the roof at $12,000 a year. …show more content…

How do we know what should be right and what is wrong? How do we know what will work best and what won’t? What one person thinks might help, someone else doesn’t think it will—how do we know?

Health care for all serves as a good example for those who support the Affordable Care Act. This statement plays a role in symbolizing a false representation of what some of us believe.
People who believe that the Affordable Care Act is the best thing for health care subscribe to the idea that it provides health care for all. False representation is a fallacy in which it is “untrue, but recklessly made when the maker has no knowledge as to its truth or falsity” (Merriam-Webster). With the act in place, the goal is to give more Americans access to affordable, quality health insurance and to reduce the growth in the U.S. health care spending (ObamaCare Facts: Facts on the Affordable Care Act). Although the ACA has opened many doors for the health care system, there are many changes that could make it even better. For instance, the sale of health insurance across state lines should be allowed. This will provide competition against insurance companies and decrease insurance premiums in many states, making deductibles and other expenses actually affordable for those low-income citizens. Also, refundable tax credits could be offered to low-income families and individuals enabling them to purchase health insurance. Another solution could be to

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