
The American Indians During The Time Period Essay

Decent Essays

The American Indians during that time period reflected the struggle of understanding the mean of “all men are created equal” because for the longest time , they were never accepted into the American society. Americans always felt the need to do something to them like attempting to temporarily fix the Indian problem, doing things like ignoring them, banishing them (Trail of Tears), or relocating them to reservations, but never just actually solving the issue by assimilating them into our culture. If Americans did accept them as equal, they would have never gotten the mistreatment and abuse they had for the last centuries, rather Americans would not hurt the Indians but integrate them into their society. I believe the Indians really struggled with the idea of " all men are created equal" because they were never considered equal at the time. For example, they were promised annuities by Congress, but never got them them in full because traders often swindled them unjustly, thus the Indians were lied and cheated by the government because they were seen as inferior and thus didn’t deserve full payment like Americans would. An example of the mistreatment of American Indians was they lost their land due to the invasion of white settlers on their land. After taking their land, the white settlers sent the Indians to reservations where they experienced terrible hardships. A multitude of disease, substance and alcohol abuse, poor education, and poverty struck the reservations,

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