
The Ancient Greeks

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During the time of the ancient Greeks we read about their remarkable achievements; whether it be social, political, or cultural, we would not understand their accomplishments if it weren’t for their precise interpretation of text and the development of a lasting language. When looking at our lives today, the lack of credit which goes to our ancient descendants is beyond decent; for the lives in which they established for themselves, only furthered our capability and our potential of exceeding what was never imagined. A civilization where individuals look to the text, the mathematical equations, and the records from that of the ancient Greeks and learn from it. Between their development of the written word, the idea of the recorded time, as …show more content…

The Greeks language -- unlike the mesopotamians and other early civilizations, attached itself to the land and the descendants of the ancient Greeks. Being the first european civilization to use an alphabet when writing, the Greeks were able to develop and grow quicker with the use of records. Prior to the Greeks, the Mycenaeans inhabited the land, those whom developed Linear B; but with complication of the linguistic norm of Greece the language died, calling upon the Greek adaptation. Now with the help of this new form of writing, the ancient Greeks orchestrated records in which to record trade, shipments, imports and exports, all to organize the city and its new marketed resources. Then, with thee rapidly growing trade routes of the city-states of greece; the greeks could not only trade with one another but trade with other civilizations that bordered the Mediterranean Sea and on, all while keeping track with their clay tablets. One the other hand, the Greeks popular form of writing helped them establish order within their civilization, with the help of written law. During the time of the first democracy, the Greeks formatted laws that were passed by the people, for the people, in order to live in an organized, civilized, and fairly taxed society. In the end, with the establishment of a new form of calligraphy invented, other …show more content…

On top of that, I am able to say that the Greek society was a lot more established than I ever believed, with evidence of their writing, record keeping, and the creation of the democratic system many nations frame the foundations of the country today. With the development of a young language, the greeks were able to formulate a alphabet with it, creating the ability to write, and thereon creating records for trade, history, and mathematical/scientific testimonies. Now if we consider evolution of western civilization, we can easily see and conclude that the simple foundations of humanity explained throughout the paper are just a miniscule amount of advancements made by the ancient greek civilization-- not to mention the Mesopotamians, Mycenaeans and Egyptians and their advancements in architecture and more. Western civilization is no one place, but is the way humanity moves forward, for what was in the east was discovered, but coming from the west was the wind and what was the unknown. Western societies are ones that are civilized and carry out more than hunting and gathering communities, those that carry out trade, government, and that think beyond the everyday needs of a human.The ideas of these ancient societies have proved to withstand the lengths of time and endure

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