
The And Biological Abnormality Associated With The Disease

Decent Essays

Description of the disease – this refers to the cause and biological abnormality associated with the disease
Diabetes is a very sensitive chronic condition that involves high levels of blood glucose in the body due the lack of insulin or the body’s failure to use insulin efficiently (U.S. National Library of Medicine). More specifically, type II diabetes also known as diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects the individual’s insulin metabolism and causes glucose to build up in the blood stream (U.S. National Library of Medicine). It is often caused by lifestyle choices and is rarely caused by genetics (U.S. National Library of Medicine). Insulin plays a very big role in diabetes. Insulin is a hormone in the body that is produced by the …show more content…

National Library of Medicine). The body cells become insulin resistant meaning that their sensitivity is reduced to insulin (U.S. National Library of Medicine). Individuals who have untreated type II diabetes are prone to other severe diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension, therefore it is very important to stay active and eat healthy (U.S. National Library of Medicine).

Prevalence of the disease: Incidence: this is statistical – how many people get/have the disease in various populations
Type II diabetes is often diagnosed later on in life so it is referred to as “adult-onset” diabetes (U.S. National Library of Medicine). In 2012, the World Health Organization reported that 1.5 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes (World Health Organization, 2015). The WHO reported that 90% of diagnosed diabetes results in type II diabetes (World Health Organization, 2015). In 2014, they also reported that in low and middle income families more than 80% of deaths occur because of diabetes (World Health Organization, 2015). These deaths simply occurred because people were not eating healthy and receiving enough nutrients as well as not getting enough exercise (World Health Organization, 2015). Individuals who live in a community that lacks healthy food sources such as grocery stores are more likely to develop type II diabetes (World Health Organization, 2015). In the United States alone, over 9% of the total population have diabetes

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