
The And Its Impact On The Environment Of The South African Association Of Advertising

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As a consumerist society currently rules most of the world politically and economically, it is not surprising that the one aspect of daily life that has become integral to anyone living in an urban environment is advertising. Hate it, love it or pretend not to care, advertising dominates much of our living environment and the way in which humans react to the world around them.

In fact, according to the South African Association of Advertising, the average South African sees up to three thousand advertisements per day without consciously acknowledging it. It would be unbelievable if this extensive saturation of constructed and curated content within one 's daily life would not have any impact on the way in which one thinks and reacts to the world around them. It is almost incomprehensible how a concept that is neither tangible nor natural can be constructed in such a way that it impacts and manipulates those who interact with it, without their conscious awareness.

Project SEM was created not only to delve into this manipulation and find out why it holds the power that it does but also to break down these constructed barriers and allow for consumers to see for themselves how they can so easily be manipulated. By showing consumers first-hand how this takes place also allows for them to be aware of the manipulation consciously and therefore choose for themselves as to how they interpret brands, products and the world around them.

James Morcan put it best at "“it

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