
The Anger Of Agamemnon In The Illiad

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The anger of Agamemnon is a catalyst that drives the plot of The Illiad. In the beginning of the epic, Agamemnon’s insult towards Achilles had caused him to leave the war; causing countless Achaean soldiers to lose their lives. Because, without Achilles, they were defenceless. After the Trojan soldiers had been on the brink of victory, Agamemnon realises that his anger was far beyond the realm of humanity; he was not in control, and he was utterly blinded. In turn, it caused Agamemnon to return to his normal mindset.
When the Greeks lose the tempered Achilles, the war starts to lean toward the Trojans. When he had been in his mellow state, Agamemnon realises that victory without Achilles is virtually impossible. With that in mind, Agamemnon is willing to forgive Achilles by offering him a major ransom and the bond of friendship. Agamemnon had not been in that right state of mind, his rage had him feeling controlled and causing him to act irrational.
It seems that Agamemnon had not been in control of his emotional state. Nestor had advised Agamemnon not to let his rage get to him, but in his inhuman mentality, he did not listen. With Zeus commanding the victory of the Trojans, Agamemnon comes to the realization that losing Achilles was a fatal mistake. Because, Achilles’s fighting abilities is comparable to an entire army.
Now that Agamemnon is in his right sense of mind, he desperately seeks the forgiveness of Achilles. In order to cement his forgiveness, Agamemnon offers

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