
The Architect's Use of Space

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The architects use of space Ludvig Mies van Der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion is one of his most famous architectural constructions, and was built in 1928-29. As stated earlier the Barcelona Pavilion was built in Barcelona, Spain as a German national Pavilion for the Barcelona International Exposition of 1929 and the Chaos and Classism art and design show in 1918-1936, which was a reaction to the chaos of the World War I and contains works that includes painting, film, sculptures, photography and architecture. It is built form glass, steel and several kinds of marble. After the Pavilion was disassembled in 1930 after the exhibition closed, the building became a key part not only in the career of Mies van der Rohe, but also for the rest of the twentieth-century architectural world. It was therefore rebuilt in the 1980s, and was researched, designed and supervised by the architects Ignasi de Solà-Morales, Cristian Cirici Fig.4 Barcelona Pavilion, Barcelona and Fernando Ramos. In the Barcelona Pavilion, the use of space is based on the simplicity of how a functional space can be created. Geometry and the use of materials is the key point in this reconstructed space. Mies var der Rohe’s initial thoughts about the materials he used was not so much in novelty as in the ideal mindset of modernity and that they expressed it through the rigour of their geometry, the precision of the pieces and the clarity of their assembly. For this project Mies var der Rohe initially rejected the

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