
The Argument Of Creation Vs. Evolution

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The argument of Creation vs. Evolution has been debated for quite sometime. Since Darwin’s theory of Evolution by Natural Selection was published, some of those that thought the world and its inhabitants was made by a creator now began to think differently. Evolution began to make sense, there was evidence of certain types of species evolving (as in the finches in the galapogos islands as observed by Darwin) however, with creationism there was no evidence, it was all based on faith. Although Darwin’s theory stands at the forefront for the belief in Evolution especially for those that tend to lean towards this side of the argument, there have been and still is many who support the argument of Design or what is referred to as the teleological argument. Philosophers such as St. Thomas Aquinas and William Paley wrote about the belief in there being a creator in their famous works. David Hume, William Derham and Richard Bentley to name a few also wrote about intelligent design. I believe in Creationism. I believe that the universe and everything in it came into existence because of a higher intelligence and not solely from a primordial soup and if in fact everything did start out as a soup, all the ingredients for this soup was put together by the head chef. In researching this topic, I believe that creationism and evolution (micro-evolution) can co-exist without one absolutely refuting the other. I believe this designer created existence in such a way that evolution is

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