
The Ashely Commission Report

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Working in the mines was brutal in the mid-nineteenth century. The Ashely Commission report investigated the conditions inside the mines, and gave a brief description of the workers lives. This report leads to the formation of the Mines Act of 1842. The Mines Act of 1842, outlawed all females and boys under the ages of thirteen from working inside the mines. The British Parliament addressed the issues of the Industrial Revolution as a whole that expanded beyond the mines. The testimonies contained within the Ashely Commission report gives insight into to the horrid work conditions in the mines. The workers describe the mines as being dark, flooded, and compressed. Read worked as a coal-bearer, carrying coal on her back to other areas of the mine for her entire workday. Isabella Read describes her constant treks …show more content…

For the middle class and poor throughout the mid-nineteenth century cultural conditions consisted of everyone in the family working in the mines and factories to contribute to the families financial well-being. The horrible conditions in the workplace was equally terrifying to those who had to work in them. Without any other options for income, people were left with no choice but to conform to the cultural conditions of the labor force. Patience Kershaw describes this type of common labor for all: “My father has been dead about a year; my mother is living and has 10 children, five lads and five lasses; the oldest is about thirty, the youngest four; three lasses go to the mill; all the lads are colliers, two getters and three hurries; one lives at home and does nothing; mother does nought but look after home.” Everyone being a part of the working class was very common during the time period. Throughout the Industrial Revolution the culture, as a whole, conforms to working in the mines and factories to provide for their families, with no discrimination

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