
The Assessment Of A Community 's Decision For Real Initiative

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According to Monmonier (1996), those who do have Internet and GIS accessibility face the potential to be placed in a vulnerable position. He believes that the public who is “armed with a GIS but lacking the savvy to use the system appropriately becomes vulnerable to sarcastic attacks from site advocates”. Meaning, that a community’s opinion may not be taken seriously or may be misrepresented in the eyes of policymakers because the people in that community may not be using the GIS software correctly, therefore they do not comprehend the data that is being presented to them in a GIS platform. This connects to another complication, that the general public may not have the basic training requirements needed to properly understand GIS software. Referring back to Carver, et al (2001), one of the issues they encountered during the observation of the Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation’s Planning for Real initiative was a general lack of familiarity with GIS software, especially from older age groups of manual trade.
The solution to these issues cannot be resolved in a short period of time as these are mainly socio-economic complications, however, attainable solutions are present. As far as GIS comprehensive, this will become less of an issue as more people become familiar with using computers and maps through work and education (Carver et al, 2001). As mentioned earlier in Baker’s (2005) article, strides are being made to teach K-12 students Web GIS, for digital learning

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