
The Atomic Bomb Helpful or Harmful Essay

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The Atomic Bomb Helpful or Harmful There used to be a time in America when the name “Atomic Bomb” seemed fictional to some, non existent to others,and seemed only a dream to those in the science world. That time is long gone.The day that changed all ideas and opinions about what war was and what is has evolved to be was August 6,1945. President Truman had decided to drop the Atomic bomb in order to end the war and save as many lives as possible. The United States had dropped the bomb on Hiroshima in order to end the war almost instantly and avoid bloody invasion, thereby saving both American and Japanese lives. Whether or not to drop the atomic bomb was president Truman’s decision, faced with this decision Truman researched …show more content…

An American military soldier stationed in Japan tells his of what he saw in Japan, “The mass fire bombings that went on for days and would of kept on going if it wasn’t for the atomic bomb. Our B-29’s for months were flying over Tokyo and Yokohamama,dropping firebombs. We were deliberately trying to burn everybody to death in those to cities so what was worse?”(Takaki 29)

The Bomb put and end to the war, unlike the mass killings the air raids provided with no real accomplishments. As the war went on, the Japanese made it very clear to the Americans that they would not be surrendering and the Americans kept on increasing the military pressure. Truman believed that the attacking would not stop until Japan provided an unconditional surrender. On July 26,1945 Truman issued the Potsdam Declaration which stated that Japan accept “unconditional surrender” or be willing to face “utter devastation of the Japanese homeland.” (Takaki 38)

Truman gave the Japanese ample time to avoid destruction and the deaths of their people, yet they did not respond, surrendering would only seem like a dishonor to their land.(O’Neal 54)

So with all the plans being thought up the atomic bomb was being prepared to go off.
The Manhattan Project that was started in 1943 (Blow 53) to study and test the bomb was coming to an end as Truman made his final decision on whether or not the bomb

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