
The Attachment Of Attachment Behavioral Systems

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but are quickly soothed upon reunion. The anxious-ambivalent and disorganized infants are characterized with thrilling anxiety during separation and strive for closeness to their attachment figure upon reunion. The anxious-avoidant children appear content during the absence of their attachment figure and not predominantly engrossed in seeking juxtaposition and soothing upon reunion. These children are anxious during separation and they learned to suppress their emotions (Berzoff, 2011). Disorganized children are particularly ambivalent upon reunion with their attachment figure, both synchronously approaching and avoiding contact. Most of the infants display a collapse of attachment strategies which results to dissociated …show more content…

Bowlby’s theory is fundamentally, based on scientific findings on early attachment development from childhood to adulthood (Fischer, 2006). He observed that infants separated from their parents or caregivers are emotionally distressed. Bowlby believed that individual’s behavior could be naturally well understood through the analysis of characteristic exploration that is connected with psychodynamic affiliation. Bowlby’s exodus from the traditional psychoanalytic theory at that time, earned him many years of hatred by his pears. It was after his death in 1990 that the British analytic community issued a formal apology to his family for their negative action against him (Fischer, 2006). Culture/Diversity: According to Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, approximately 20% of African Americans are more likely to experience serious mental health problems than the general population (Census, 2016). This is due to exposure to violent environment and homelessness which can increase anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression etc., (Ward, 2013). African Americans are more likely to be victims of violent crime which are influenced by the risk for developing a mental health issue. Such as; Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), suicide, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The belief and stigma of mental health as a bad reflection on the African American family could be seen as a

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