
The Audacity Of Hope Analysis

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In Service of the People
As Abraham Lincoln famously stated in his Gettysburg Address, government is “of the people, by the people, [and] for the people” (Lincoln). In the memoir The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama, the disconnected world of politics is explored, with the aim of finding the essence of American government, the body that was able to keep America united through civil rights struggles, numerous wars, and financial depressions. That unifying force, through the government, is the American people, all of their joint morals, convictions, and goals that they share, Obama portrays the government as an administrative body meant to serve all of its people, stand above all of the differences that pit different groups of people against …show more content…

When Obama made the decision to forego the comfort of traveling by jet between Washington and Illinois, he was able to reconnect with his constituents. This allowed Obama to see how the government has the potential to aid the poor, helping them with educational, social, and economic aid. However, many people are opposed to government assistance for a slew of reasons. Senator Marco Rubio from Florida believes that “we need to make sure our government programs encourage work, not dependence” (Rubio). He argues that government assistance will lead to a culture of government dependence, instead of truly helping people out. Others, such as President Grover Cleveland back in 1887, believe that should not intervene ever, even for matters as trivial as when there was a shortage of grain. He did not think that the “duty of the General Government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit” (Shapiro, 9). However, outside these political and ideological circles, the negative view of public welfare comes from the opposition of losing money from one’s own pocket for the sake of

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