
The Axum Empire, Byzantine And Aztec Empires

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In many societies, the elites or aristocrats are given the chance to have a more luxurious life than everyone else. They are handed more political, economic and social power. Specifically in the Indian, Byzantine and Aztec empires, elites were allowed to have almost complete control over the people of the land. They are allowed to make, break and enforce rules to their discretion. The aristocrats were given respect, land, food, and care far superior to anyone else in the region.
The Axum kingdom illustrated the potential of trade to boost economic development and support political development. Axum was originally a small kingdom whose merchants traded from the port of Adulis on the Red Sea. While Axumite merchants traded with Muslim merchants on a regular basis, they were challenged by Muslim forces. However, they were able to maintain independence and prosperity because of its large participation in trading routes of the Indian Ocean. The term caste refers to a social class of hereditary and usually unchangeable status. When the Aryans first implemented the caste system in India, they used the term varna, meaning “color, to refer to major social classes. There were five main varnas: brahmins (priests); kshatriyas (warriors and aristocrats); vaishyas (cultivators, artisans, and merchants); shudras (landless peasants, and serfs); and untouchables (people who performed unpleasant tasks such as handling dead bodies or butchering animals). As society became more complex and

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