
Aztec Research Paper

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The panic in the eyes of the Aztec emperor’s victim escalated hastily, making nothing comprehensible and fearing what the life ahead of him has in store. Taking advantage of each element of the human body, the most important reason for sacrificing humans was donating the blood to their god. The Aztecs utilized every resource available to them to make them a proficient and accomplished civilization. The Aztec civilization adapted their way of life in Mesoamerica to become a notorious culture; from their advanced rituals and authority they have continued their legacy to today. The Aztec culture had a large and complex justice system; some parts still used today. Their laws and rules of life were very strict and specific. For example, “a few …show more content…

They believed in a religion was popular at the time, many across the world following the same ways. According to Tim Lambert, “Aztecs were polytheists. That is they worshiped many gods” (The Aztecs: Aztec Religion). Once an Aztec died they believed that they would go to one of the thirteen heavens that was most suitable for them; you could also be sent to one of the nine hells if you committed crime or not followed the rules of behavior. Each of their Gods had a specific area in which they watched over and cared for. However, they were the most powerful over all of the Aztec people. As Linn Donn says, “They believed their gods would punish them if they did not worship them every day. They were terrified of their gods and what they might do if angered” (Aztec Empire: Religion and Gods). The Aztec priests told the people how to behave properly so they would not be punished by the gods. The priests were also a large portion of their worshipping, many times sacrificing themselves for the good of the people. All in all, the Aztecs were very involved in their religious rituals. Many Aztec artists created their stone sculptures to symbolize their religious …show more content…

They carved the stone sculptures with a wide variety of things such as volcanic rock or semiprecious stones. The sculptures served to tell about their religious beliefs and concepts of their complex religious liturgy. According to Heidi King at the Met Museum, ¨the most accomplished sculptors in the Aztec empire carved impressive images of the gods, often of large size, for display in the temples and public places¨ (Aztec Stone Sculpture). Many of the sculptures they created are still here today meaning they were well built and thought out despite the numerous amounts they created in a short period of time. Along with stone sculptures they performed dramas that also illustrated their religion. As New World Encyclopedia stated, ¨the Aztec people also enjoyed a type of dramatic presentation. Some were comical with music and acrobats; others were staged dramas of their gods¨ (Aztec Civilization). This is significant because the Aztec created sculptures and performed dramas; both of which we still do

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