
The Balance Of Chaos And Cosmos

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The thought of the early Greeks demonstrates the overall balance of chaos and cosmos in our universe. This is expressed with many of the Pre-Socratic philosophers. When viewing the early Greeks, we can see many different expressions of chaos and cosmos in the universe. These views, or logos, range from terrible evils, such as Nyx’s tilting from cosmos to chaos in Hesiod’s world view, to greater goods, such as Anaximander’s argument of natural order. This is not to say that they are complete in the idea of rationalism, but together, they can create a stronger standing of the balance in the universe. When it comes to defining what balance in the universe is, there are several aspects to consider. First, one must understand what chaos, cosmos, and logos are. Chaos is defined as disorder; cosmos is defined as order; logos is defined and a human view of the world and what they consider to be order. Hesiod uses these in his poem, Theogony, to describe the origins of the Greek gods. He uses “chaos” and “cosmos” in a different way throughout his poem. Chaos being a god, and cosmos being the universe. This can become tricky when trying to determine where chaos, cosmos, and logos of philosophy are located. There was cosmos expressed when Nyx, the goddess of night, and her daughter Hemera, who is the goddess of light, go through a cycle of one going into the house, and the other coming out. “[W]here Night and Day greet each other. As they pass over the great threshold of bronze, [O]ne

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