
The Banning of Texts Such as Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay

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There are many people, groups, or organizations that crave power and will do whatever it takes to get it. Some of these consist of governments, religious leaders, and other authoritative figures. They will go to great lengths of censoring and even banning things that will threaten their power. These things are banned or challenged due to the fact that these figures do not approve of their content. One of the most common things banned and or challenged is that of written text. One such text is, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It has been banned in Concord, Massachusetts on the basis of “it being more suited to the slums than to intelligent respectable people” (Banned 1) and the overall vulgarity of the text. Because of vulgarity and …show more content…

If the story had not had such language it would have been allowed and challenged less. Also it could have become a major success. Libraries banning Adventures of Huckleberry Finn often used the reasoning that it is not suitable for their higher class of living. They believe that the story is about a lower class of people that they shall not associate with. This is often a flaw in the human mind. The believing that one is greater than another and because one is greater, they should not associate with them. Even the reviewers said this book was suited for a low dirty lifestyle, as shown in the quote when speaking about the book that it is “more suited to the slums than to intelligent, respectable people" (Banned 1). Both the Brooklyn and Concord Public Libraries put something like this into effect. So it is a very strong belief amongst these organizations that this book is not suitable for their people. The judgmental decision process is that of an unjust unfair process. All things should be taken deep into thought before making a decision like this. Slang offended many people in the communities and was a leading factor to the book being challenged and banned. They have stated that the use of common vernacular as “demeaning and damaging” (Banned 1). It is sought to harm

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