
The Bell Jar : The Rose From Beauty And The Beast

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When people think of the Bell Jar, the question that can arise is what is a “bell jar?” According to a bell jar is “a bell-shaped usually glass vessel designed to cover objects or to contain gases or a vacuum.” So, it conceals things or objects… Hmm. The image that comes to mind is the rose from Beauty and the Beast, because it was encased in bell jar. The rose had significance because it trapped the Beast from being is true self and finding true love, until Bell came along. Like the rose in the story of the princess and the Beast, the title has meaning to the novel as well. In this novel is a woman who is gripped by insanity, which distorts her perspective because she is in an airless jar. This jar prevents her from connecting to anyone around her, but by the end of the novel we see that the bell jar has been lifted. But even though the suffocating jar seemed to go away, it still hovers over her, like it is waiting to drop any moment. In the beginning of this novel, we are introduced to Esther who is a woman-coming-of-age. During the time of Esther, most women would undergo the ways of progressive education and then introduced into the adult world, but soon marrying some guy would give any woman a wonderful “life”. But, Esther didn’t follow this trajectory. She progressed into madness as the novel went on. Esther’s first time in New York City, her first marriage proposal, her success in college—are upsetting and disorienting to her. Instead

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